Backyard Baseball Kenny Kawaguchi

Backyard Baseball is a software released in 1997 by Humongous Entertainment.

Nov 01, 2017  10 Best Backyard Baseball Players. November 1, 2017 November 2, 2017 / Noah Kelly. Kenny Kawaguchi. In doing research for this article, I found there was a somewhat negative connotation surrounding Kenny, and I don’t get it. This kid came out every day and worked just as hard as everyone else, despite being IN A WHEELCHAIR.


Sunny Day[edit]

  • I think we're all ready to play some baseball!
  • It's time to get down with your favorite baseball players!
  • (custom player) steps up to bat.
  • (when the computer player's turn to bat ends) Alright, it's our turn now!
  • (player hits a home run) Goodbye, baseball!

Backyard Baseball Kenny Kawaguchi Park

Vinny the Gooch[edit]

  • Waaaaiiit a minute. The Gooch does not under any circumstances say 'Hi ho'. Sunny Day may be saying 'Hi ho', but The Gooch just says YO!
  • Vinny da Gooch is lovin' that!
  • (describing Pablo) Even though the Secret Weapon doesn't speak any English, we all know he's a rad dude!
  • (describing Achmed) Achmed is one of the best hitters on the team!
  • This young batter means business.
  • (when a homerun happens) I don't know what kind of pitch that was, but it tasted just like chicken!
  • (when a player gets out) He/She was robbed!
  • (when a player makes it home) Sweet as candy i tell ya! I like candy, everybody likes candy. That's why Halloween is such a popular holiday!
  • (describing Sunny Day) What she means is she's never gonna stop yapping.
  • (when a homerun happens) Aloha means goodbye, baby.
  • (when a strike happens) It was in there like swimwear.

Backyard Kids[edit]

Achmed Khan[edit]

  • (getting picked) Let's rock 'n roll! (Amir Khan also says this)
  • I wanna rock! Rock! (scats) I wanna rock!
  • (after getting struck out) Aw man, I blew it!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smack this one! (Amir Khan also says this)
  • (stepping up to bat) This one's outta here! (Amir Khan also says this)

Amir Khan[edit]

  • (getting picked) Groovy!
  • (after getting struck out) I hope Achmed didn't see that!
  • (after getting struck out) Major bummer! (Achmed Khan also says this)

Angela Delvecchio[edit]

  • (during the chatter) Hey, we wanna batter, not the broken ladder, y'know!
  • (striking out a batter) Hey, what'd I tell ya?
  • (striking out a batter) Ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom! Bye-Bye, batter!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smack this one for sure.
  • (after getting struck out) No way that's gonna happen again!
  • (stepping up to bat) You guys in the outfield better move back.
  • (after getting struck out) Don't say a word.
  • (getting tired) Okay, I know I'm good, but my arm needs a rest before it turns into a big noodle.

Annie Frazier[edit]

  • (getting picked) Sweet!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm looking for a kind hit here, pitcher!
  • (stepping up to bat) Come on, pitcher, hook me up!
  • (getting tired) Hey, I'm pooped. I need a sub.
  • (getting tired) Can I get a sub out here? My arm is toast.

Ashley/Sidney Webber[edit]

  • (one of the twins getting picked) Goody! Now pick my sister Ashley/Sidney too!
  • (the other twin getting picked) Oh, goody! Ashley/Sidney and I are on the same team!
  • (only one twin getting picked) Goody!
  • (during the chatter) We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how 'bout you?
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna crush this one!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smash the ball outta here!
  • (after getting struck out) Tennis is my sport anyway.
  • (getting tired) Say, my tennis elbow is acting up.

Billy Jean Blackwood[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Y'all better step back a few!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay. I didn't wanna run anyway.
  • (getting tired) Yoo-hoo! My arm's getting tired out here!
  • (striking out a batter) Sorry, I'm just doin' my job.

Dante Robinson[edit]

  • (during the chatter) I see London, I see France, I see your underpants!
  • Just gimme a minute! I'm still hungry!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm turning that ball into creamed corn!
  • (stepping up to bat) Bring on the meat!
  • (after getting struck out) Next time!
  • You should pick me. I've got a pretty good arm!
  • (getting picked) Let's dig in!
  • My name is Dante, but the kids call me 'Stretch'. I guess that's supposed to be a joke!
  • One time, I ate a whole turkey! Bet you didn't know that!
  • (striking out a batter) Smooth like butter!
  • (striking out a batter) Chew on that, tough guy!
  • (getting tired) Whew! I'm running out of juice!
  • (getting tired) I'm getting noodle arm!
  • (on the mound) Eat this!

Dmitri Petrovich[edit]

  • (striking out a batter) Indeed, I achieved the proper ball spin.
  • (after getting struck out) It appears as if I need to rethink my strategy.
  • (during the chatter) May I remind you that the primary objective is to hit the ball?
  • (not getting picked) I must admit I am a bit disappointed.
  • (bored on the field) Please, cease this foolishness and just FORFEIT THE GAME!!!!

Gretchen Hasselhoff[edit]

  • (getting picked) Goodygoodygoodygoodygoody! (Goody goody goody goody goody!)
  • MymomnamedmeGretchenafterhergrandmanamedGretchen. (My mom named me Gretchen after her great grandmother named Gretchen.)
  • (stepping up to bat) I'mgonnasmackthisoneouttasight. (I'm gonna smack this one outta sight.)
  • (getting tired, talks more slowly than usual) Um... I'm tired.

Jocinda Smith[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Watch this homerun!
  • (getting picked) Hey, alright! (Kimmy Eckman also says this)
  • (stepping up to bat) It's time for a homerun!
  • (getting tired) My arm is toast!
  • (getting tired) My arm is spent! How 'bout a sub?

Jorge Garcia[edit]

  • I don't like to swim and I don't like to get dirty.
  • (getting picked) I suppose I'll play, but I don't want to get dirty, OK?
  • (unprovoked) Did you guys see the map of Hawaii that Justin Verlander painted on Kate Upton’s lower back?

Kenny Kawaguchi[edit]

  • (getting picked) Alright! Thanks, buddy!
  • (stepping up to bat) Here I go!
  • (stepping up to bat) Okay, pitcher, give me one right over the center!
  • (after getting struck out) Boy, I messed up.
  • (after getting struck out) I'll do better next time.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm good.
  • (on the mound) I'm gonna get you, batter!
  • (getting tired) Man, I don't wanna complain, but my arm is tired.
  • (getting tired) I could use a sub right about now.

Kiesha Phillips[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Heeeeerree's... Kiesha!
  • (during the chatter) Watch out, Batman! Here comes the Joker!
  • (during the chatter) Say, what's up, Doc?
  • (stepping up to bat) Baseball been very very good to me.
  • (after getting struck out) You are Despicable!
  • (after getting struck out) Coises! Foiled again!
  • (getting tired) I need a sub and I'm not talking lunch here!
  • (getting tired) I can't take much more of this, captain!

Kimmy Eckman[edit]

  • My name's Kimmy and I like candy.
  • (stepping up to bat) This one's going to miles!
  • (after getting struck out) Darn, darn, darn it!
  • (getting tired) Come on, coach! I'm dying out here!
  • (on the mound) I'm gonna blow this one right by!
  • (getting tired) Hey, kid! My arm's getting tired!

Lisa Crocket[edit]

  • (not getting picked) Whatever.
  • (stepping up to bat and on the mound) Here goes nothing.
  • Leave me alone.
  • (getting tired) How about a sub, ace?
  • (getting picked) Neat.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired. Give me a sub.

Luanne Lui[edit]

  • Aww, I wuv you!
  • (striking out a batter) I got you! Neenoo Neenoo!
  • (on the mound) Neenoo Neenoo! Baddo Waddo!
  • (after getting stuck out) Me gonna cwy...
  • (getting picked) Did you heew that, Teddy? We got picked!
  • (stepping up to the plate) This one's fo you, Teddy!
  • (getting tired) Teddy says it's time fo his nap. So we need a sub.
  • (on the mound) Oh, I wuv pwaying basebaw!

Maria Luna[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Okay. I'm gonna knock the stuffing outta this one!
  • (stepping up to bat) Okay. This time, I'm gonna hit like a pinata!
  • (after getting struck out) Ay-yi-yi!
  • (striking out a batter) I... Got... You.
  • (getting tired) Hey there, I'm tired.
  • (after getting struck out) That's no good!

Mikey Thomas[edit]

  • The kids call me Nugget, but my real name is Michael Rhett Thomas.
  • (getting picked) You're my friend!
  • (not getting picked) I'm telling my mom!
  • (stepping up to bat) I've gotta get on base!
  • (stepping up to bat) I want right down the middle for me!
  • (after getting struck out) No fair! I'm telling my mom!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired of pitching now.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm pretty good, huh?

Pablo Sanchez[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) ¡Adiós, béisbol! (Goodbye, baseball!)
  • (getting picked) ¡Excelente! (Excellent!)
  • Soy Pablo. ¿Quieres jugar? (I'm Pablo. You wanna play?)
  • (striking out a batter) ¡Adios!
  • (when the player clicks him on the player cards section while holding shift) Okay, don't tell the other kids, but uh... I speak English. I learn Spanish in school.
  • (taunting from the field) creo que no qieres jugar (I don't think you wanna play)
  • (after getting struck out) Este bate no sirve para nada! (This bat is useless!)
  • (getting picked) Vamos a ganar! (We are going to win!)

Pete Wheeler[edit]

  • (getting picked) Uh... huh?
  • (getting picked) So whose team am I on?
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna hit a touchdown!
  • (during the chatter) Bet ya can't hit a touchdown!
  • (during the chatter) Ra ra ra! Go, team!
  • (stepping up to bat) Uh, what am I supposed to do again?
  • (after getting struck out) Now what?
  • (striking out a batter) Uhh... Whoops.
  • (getting tired) Uhh... I don't wanna throw the ball no more.

Ronny Dobbs[edit]

  • Know what's neat? Aw, nothing.
  • (during the chatter) Miss it! Miss it! Now you gotta kiss it!
  • (after getting picked) Neat. I get to play.
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm going to hit this one two hundred gazillion miles!
  • (stepping up to bat) Neener-Neener! You can't strike me out!
  • (after getting struck out) No fair!
  • (getting tired) I'm getting sleepy.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm pretty good for a little guy.
  • (after getting struck out) I don't wanna play anymore!
  • (getting tired) I don't wanna pitch anymore.

Sally Dobbs[edit]

  • (after getting struck out) I could've hit a home run if I wanted to.
  • (getting tired) I need a sub. I don't have the same energy as some of the younger kids, you know?
  • (getting tired) I'm getting kinda tired of pitching.

Stephanie Morgan[edit]

  • I don't know why...
  • (during the chatter) Hey, batter!
  • (during the chatter) My, oh my!
  • (stepping up to bat) As you can tell, I modeled my stance after the great Babe Ruth.
  • (after getting struck out) How Humiliating!
  • (after getting struck out) Oh well. I'm sure Cal had his bad days, I suppose.
  • (getting tired) My daddy says I shouldn't pitch for too long.

Tony Delvecchio[edit]

  • (during the chatter) Be-au-ti-ful!
  • (getting tired) What're ya tryin' to do, kill me? I need a sub here!
  • (during the chatter) Hey, Slick, swing, why don't ya?
  • (during the chatter) Growin' a beard out here, waitin' for some action!
  • (stepping up to bat) Watch this one, Slick!
  • (getting picked) Listen here, Slick, you made the right decision!

Vicki Kawaguchi[edit]

  • I'm going to be a ballerina when I grow up.
  • My name is Vicki Kawaguchi. My brother's name is Kenny. He's in a wheelchair. Can I go now?
  • One time, I was practicing my pirouette and I got so dizzy, I barfed. But don't tell anyone, okay? But it was really gross and stuff, because I just ate a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Promise you won't tell?
  • (getting picked) Hooray!
  • (stepping up to bat) Don't throw the ball fast, okay?
  • (stepping up to bat) Here comes the graceful ballerina to the plate.
  • (after getting struck out) Stupid baseball is for babies!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired of pitching. Can I stop now?
  • (getting tired) I don't wanna pitch anymore, please?
  • My mommy says I'm her little butterfly and daddy calls me his baseball swan. Kenny calls me pipsqueak.

External links[edit]

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When Justin Morneau was a adolescent kid alive on his beat in his British Columbia backyard, there were three players he capital to emulate.

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Backyard Sports Player Profile [6 of 30]: Kenny Kawaguchi .. | kenny backyard baseball

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The first, Ken Griffey Jr., was a first-ballot Hall of Famer in 2016. The second, Larry Walker, was adopted into the aforementioned Cooperstown, N.Y., altar aftermost month. And the third was above Blue Jays aboriginal baseman John Olerud, who will be inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame alongside Morneau this summer.

Former Toronto analgesic Duane Ward and Montreal sportscaster Jacques Doucet are additionally in the 2020 class, which will be inducted in a commemoration June 20 in St. Marys, Ont.

Morneau, the 2006 American Alliance MVP and 2014 National Alliance batting champ from New Westminster, B.C., accustomed Olerud and Ward — and their role on Toronto’s back-to-back World Series championship teams in 1992 and 1993 — with blame him appear baseball in the aboriginal place.

Morneau said Olerud’s abundantly candied beat bent his eye immediately. But he was abashed to see years afterwards aloof how able-bodied he had emulated the 1993 AL batting champ.

“They did a allegory of our swings side-by-side and it was the aboriginal time I’d anytime apparent them abutting to anniversary added and they were so similar, added than my one-hand finish, his two-hand finish,” Morneau said Tuesday on a appointment call, hours afterwards the 2020 chic was announced.

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“It was amazing that this beat that I apish growing up was the beat that I developed the best carefully to. … Him and Larry Walker were my two favourite players growing up and I can’t understate how big of an honour it is to be activity in [to the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame], abnormally with John and how abundant I looked up to him as a adolescent amateur bags of afar away.”

Olerud, who bare anaplasty for a near-fatal academician aneurysm while he was in academy in 1989, was drafted by the Blue Jays afterwards that year and went on to comedy 17 seasons in the above leagues, including eight in Toronto.

Famously antic his batting helmet at all times during games, a anticipation he took afterward his surgery, Olerud was an basic allotment of both of Toronto’s World Series championships. He was abnormally lights out in 1993, acceptable the alliance batting appellation afterwards hitting .363 with 24 homers and a league-high 54 doubles.

While Morneau watched Olerud’s blemish division from his B.C. home, Ward got a altered appearance from Toronto’s bullpen.

“You looked at the calendar and [if opposing pitchers] got through a Robbie Alomar or a Joe Carter again all of a abrupt they had to face John, and that year I had not apparent anybody hotter,” Ward said. “It was a amusement and we all sat there and marvelled at his beat also.

“What’s a bullpen cerebration afterwards accepting through the aboriginal two or three guys and again accepting to face No. 9? I beggarly this guy’s hotter than a firecracker and he’s been that way all year.”

The 51-year-old Olerud additionally played for the New York Mets, his hometown Seattle Mariners, the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox afore backward in 2005. He batted .295 over his career with an .863 on-base additional slugging allotment and hit 255 homers with 1,230 runs batted in over 2,234 games, 920 of them with Toronto.

“The Blue Jays gave me a chance, you know? With my aneurysm anaplasty aloof afore the draft, they took a adventitious on me and gave me an befalling and I got a adventitious to comedy with aloof so abounding abundant players on abundant teams, to be about abundant coaches, and again to be so well-received by fans,” Olerud said.

“So actuality honoured this way is amazing and I’m actual beholden for it.”

Ward, a right-handed reliever, appeared in 462 major-league amateur — all but 10 of those with the Blue Jays — from 1986-1995. The 55-year-old becoming 121 career saves and addled out 679 over 666 2/3 innings.

He could additionally be absolutely artful with his casting arsenal, as Olerud recalled arguing with hitters from his aboriginal abject branch about what Ward was throwing.

“A lot of bodies anticipation he threw a split-finger fastball and I’d accept to say ‘no he doesn’t bandy a breach finger, that’s a slider,’ again ‘No, it can’t be a slider,”‘ Olerud said. “All the time I was arguing with guys that he didn’t bandy a split-finger fastball.

“He was aloof dominant. With Wardo advancing in, you knew you’d accept an accessible inning.”

Morneau, a above third-round abstract aces by the Twins in 1999, played 14 seasons in the above leagues, including 11 with Minnesota. The four-time all-star additionally manned aboriginal abject for Canada at anniversary of the World Baseball Classics in 2006, 2009, 2013 and 2017.

Morneau has become a role archetypal for adolescent Canadian baseball players over the aftermost decade or so, accustomed on the attitude that Walker started for him. But he said Olerud and Ward, admitting their American citizenship, had an aboriginal appulse on him too.

Backyard Baseball Kenny Kawaguchi Songs

“Other than my parents there were two above influences on my baseball career: Larry Walker and the Toronto Blue Jays, abnormally in ’92-’93,” Morneau said. “If John and Duane hadn’t done what they did I’m not abiding I would accept leaned appear baseball and abroad from hockey.

Backyard Baseball Kenny Kawaguchi Center

“I had the Blue Jays and I had Larry Walker kinda appear forth at the aforementioned time. So these guys accept had as abundant of an appulse on Canadian baseball as anybody and I’m animated to be able to go in with them and acutely Jacques as well.”

Doucet, a 79-year-old from Montreal, served as the Expos’ annual articulation from 1972 to 2004 back the aggregation confused to become the Washington Nationals. He had ahead covered the Expos for La Presse, starting with the team’s countdown 1969 season.

Doucet has been the annual articulation of the Blue Jays on TVA Sports back 2011, and additionally calls MLB playoff amateur for the broadcaster.

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