Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui

  1. Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Pics
  2. Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Lyrics
  3. Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Movie
  4. Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Photos
  5. Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui 2017
  6. Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Pictures

Luanne Lui – 9/10 baseballs Repertoire: Heat, Slowball, Left Hook, Right Hook, Intentional Walk. Notes: Luanne has easily the most deceptive delivery among all Backyard pitchers. Her ability to juggle her beloved teddy bear and throw strikes is unparalleled in the baseball universe.

Backyard Baseball is a software released in 1997 by Humongous Entertainment.



Sunny Day[edit]

  • I think we're all ready to play some baseball!
  • It's time to get down with your favorite baseball players!
  • (custom player) steps up to bat.
  • (when the computer player's turn to bat ends) Alright, it's our turn now!
  • (player hits a home run) Goodbye, baseball!

Vinny the Gooch[edit]

  • Waaaaiiit a minute. The Gooch does not under any circumstances say 'Hi ho'. Sunny Day may be saying 'Hi ho', but The Gooch just says YO!
  • Vinny da Gooch is lovin' that!
  • (describing Pablo) Even though the Secret Weapon doesn't speak any English, we all know he's a rad dude!
  • (describing Achmed) Achmed is one of the best hitters on the team!
  • This young batter means business.
  • (when a homerun happens) I don't know what kind of pitch that was, but it tasted just like chicken!
  • (when a player gets out) He/She was robbed!
  • (when a player makes it home) Sweet as candy i tell ya! I like candy, everybody likes candy. That's why Halloween is such a popular holiday!
  • (describing Sunny Day) What she means is she's never gonna stop yapping.
  • (when a homerun happens) Aloha means goodbye, baby.
  • (when a strike happens) It was in there like swimwear.

Backyard Kids[edit]

Achmed Khan[edit]

  • (getting picked) Let's rock 'n roll! (Amir Khan also says this)
  • I wanna rock! Rock! (scats) I wanna rock!
  • (after getting struck out) Aw man, I blew it!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smack this one! (Amir Khan also says this)
  • (stepping up to bat) This one's outta here! (Amir Khan also says this)

Amir Khan[edit]

  • (getting picked) Groovy!
  • (after getting struck out) I hope Achmed didn't see that!
  • (after getting struck out) Major bummer! (Achmed Khan also says this)

Angela Delvecchio[edit]

  • (during the chatter) Hey, we wanna batter, not the broken ladder, y'know!
  • (striking out a batter) Hey, what'd I tell ya?
  • (striking out a batter) Ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom! Bye-Bye, batter!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smack this one for sure.
  • (after getting struck out) No way that's gonna happen again!
  • (stepping up to bat) You guys in the outfield better move back.
  • (after getting struck out) Don't say a word.
  • (getting tired) Okay, I know I'm good, but my arm needs a rest before it turns into a big noodle.

Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Pics

Annie Frazier[edit]

  • (getting picked) Sweet!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm looking for a kind hit here, pitcher!
  • (stepping up to bat) Come on, pitcher, hook me up!
  • (getting tired) Hey, I'm pooped. I need a sub.
  • (getting tired) Can I get a sub out here? My arm is toast.

Ashley/Sidney Webber[edit]

  • (one of the twins getting picked) Goody! Now pick my sister Ashley/Sidney too!
  • (the other twin getting picked) Oh, goody! Ashley/Sidney and I are on the same team!
  • (only one twin getting picked) Goody!
  • (during the chatter) We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how 'bout you?
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna crush this one!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smash the ball outta here!
  • (after getting struck out) Tennis is my sport anyway.
  • (getting tired) Say, my tennis elbow is acting up.

Billy Jean Blackwood[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Y'all better step back a few!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay. I didn't wanna run anyway.
  • (getting tired) Yoo-hoo! My arm's getting tired out here!
  • (striking out a batter) Sorry, I'm just doin' my job.

Dante Robinson[edit]

  • (during the chatter) I see London, I see France, I see your underpants!
  • Just gimme a minute! I'm still hungry!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm turning that ball into creamed corn!
  • (stepping up to bat) Bring on the meat!
  • (after getting struck out) Next time!
  • You should pick me. I've got a pretty good arm!
  • (getting picked) Let's dig in!
  • My name is Dante, but the kids call me 'Stretch'. I guess that's supposed to be a joke!
  • One time, I ate a whole turkey! Bet you didn't know that!
  • (striking out a batter) Smooth like butter!
  • (striking out a batter) Chew on that, tough guy!
  • (getting tired) Whew! I'm running out of juice!
  • (getting tired) I'm getting noodle arm!
  • (on the mound) Eat this!

Dmitri Petrovich[edit]

  • (striking out a batter) Indeed, I achieved the proper ball spin.
  • (after getting struck out) It appears as if I need to rethink my strategy.
  • (during the chatter) May I remind you that the primary objective is to hit the ball?
  • (not getting picked) I must admit I am a bit disappointed.
  • (bored on the field) Please, cease this foolishness and just FORFEIT THE GAME!!!!

Gretchen Hasselhoff[edit]

  • (getting picked) Goodygoodygoodygoodygoody! (Goody goody goody goody goody!)
  • MymomnamedmeGretchenafterhergrandmanamedGretchen. (My mom named me Gretchen after her great grandmother named Gretchen.)
  • (stepping up to bat) I'mgonnasmackthisoneouttasight. (I'm gonna smack this one outta sight.)
  • (getting tired, talks more slowly than usual) Um... I'm tired.

Jocinda Smith[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Watch this homerun!
  • (getting picked) Hey, alright! (Kimmy Eckman also says this)
  • (stepping up to bat) It's time for a homerun!
  • (getting tired) My arm is toast!
  • (getting tired) My arm is spent! How 'bout a sub?

Jorge Garcia[edit]

  • I don't like to swim and I don't like to get dirty.
  • (getting picked) I suppose I'll play, but I don't want to get dirty, OK?
  • (unprovoked) Did you guys see the map of Hawaii that Justin Verlander painted on Kate Upton’s lower back?

Kenny Kawaguchi[edit]

  • (getting picked) Alright! Thanks, buddy!
  • (stepping up to bat) Here I go!
  • (stepping up to bat) Okay, pitcher, give me one right over the center!
  • (after getting struck out) Boy, I messed up.
  • (after getting struck out) I'll do better next time.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm good.
  • (on the mound) I'm gonna get you, batter!
  • (getting tired) Man, I don't wanna complain, but my arm is tired.
  • (getting tired) I could use a sub right about now.

Kiesha Phillips[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Heeeeerree's... Kiesha!
  • (during the chatter) Watch out, Batman! Here comes the Joker!
  • (during the chatter) Say, what's up, Doc?
  • (stepping up to bat) Baseball been very very good to me.
  • (after getting struck out) You are Despicable!
  • (after getting struck out) Coises! Foiled again!
  • (getting tired) I need a sub and I'm not talking lunch here!
  • (getting tired) I can't take much more of this, captain!

Kimmy Eckman[edit]

  • My name's Kimmy and I like candy.
  • (stepping up to bat) This one's going to miles!
  • (after getting struck out) Darn, darn, darn it!
  • (getting tired) Come on, coach! I'm dying out here!
  • (on the mound) I'm gonna blow this one right by!
  • (getting tired) Hey, kid! My arm's getting tired!

Lisa Crocket[edit]

  • (not getting picked) Whatever.
  • (stepping up to bat and on the mound) Here goes nothing.
  • Leave me alone.
  • (getting tired) How about a sub, ace?
  • (getting picked) Neat.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired. Give me a sub.

Luanne Lui[edit]

  • Aww, I wuv you!
  • (striking out a batter) I got you! Neenoo Neenoo!
  • (on the mound) Neenoo Neenoo! Baddo Waddo!
  • (after getting stuck out) Me gonna cwy...
  • (getting picked) Did you heew that, Teddy? We got picked!
  • (stepping up to the plate) This one's fo you, Teddy!
  • (getting tired) Teddy says it's time fo his nap. So we need a sub.
  • (on the mound) Oh, I wuv pwaying basebaw!

Maria Luna[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Okay. I'm gonna knock the stuffing outta this one!
  • (stepping up to bat) Okay. This time, I'm gonna hit like a pinata!
  • (after getting struck out) Ay-yi-yi!
  • (striking out a batter) I... Got... You.
  • (getting tired) Hey there, I'm tired.
  • (after getting struck out) That's no good!

Mikey Thomas[edit]

Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Lyrics

  • The kids call me Nugget, but my real name is Michael Rhett Thomas.
  • (getting picked) You're my friend!
  • (not getting picked) I'm telling my mom!
  • (stepping up to bat) I've gotta get on base!
  • (stepping up to bat) I want right down the middle for me!
  • (after getting struck out) No fair! I'm telling my mom!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired of pitching now.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm pretty good, huh?

Pablo Sanchez[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) ¡Adiós, béisbol! (Goodbye, baseball!)
  • (getting picked) ¡Excelente! (Excellent!)
  • Soy Pablo. ¿Quieres jugar? (I'm Pablo. You wanna play?)
  • (striking out a batter) ¡Adios!
  • (when the player clicks him on the player cards section while holding shift) Okay, don't tell the other kids, but uh... I speak English. I learn Spanish in school.
  • (taunting from the field) creo que no qieres jugar (I don't think you wanna play)
  • (after getting struck out) Este bate no sirve para nada! (This bat is useless!)
  • (getting picked) Vamos a ganar! (We are going to win!)

Pete Wheeler[edit]

  • (getting picked) Uh... huh?
  • (getting picked) So whose team am I on?
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna hit a touchdown!
  • (during the chatter) Bet ya can't hit a touchdown!
  • (during the chatter) Ra ra ra! Go, team!
  • (stepping up to bat) Uh, what am I supposed to do again?
  • (after getting struck out) Now what?
  • (striking out a batter) Uhh... Whoops.
  • (getting tired) Uhh... I don't wanna throw the ball no more.

Ronny Dobbs[edit]

  • Know what's neat? Aw, nothing.
  • (during the chatter) Miss it! Miss it! Now you gotta kiss it!
  • (after getting picked) Neat. I get to play.
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm going to hit this one two hundred gazillion miles!
  • (stepping up to bat) Neener-Neener! You can't strike me out!
  • (after getting struck out) No fair!
  • (getting tired) I'm getting sleepy.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm pretty good for a little guy.
  • (after getting struck out) I don't wanna play anymore!
  • (getting tired) I don't wanna pitch anymore.

Sally Dobbs[edit]

  • (after getting struck out) I could've hit a home run if I wanted to.
  • (getting tired) I need a sub. I don't have the same energy as some of the younger kids, you know?
  • (getting tired) I'm getting kinda tired of pitching.

Stephanie Morgan[edit]

  • I don't know why...
  • (during the chatter) Hey, batter!
  • (during the chatter) My, oh my!
  • (stepping up to bat) As you can tell, I modeled my stance after the great Babe Ruth.
  • (after getting struck out) How Humiliating!
  • (after getting struck out) Oh well. I'm sure Cal had his bad days, I suppose.
  • (getting tired) My daddy says I shouldn't pitch for too long.

Tony Delvecchio[edit]

  • (during the chatter) Be-au-ti-ful!
  • (getting tired) What're ya tryin' to do, kill me? I need a sub here!
  • (during the chatter) Hey, Slick, swing, why don't ya?
  • (during the chatter) Growin' a beard out here, waitin' for some action!
  • (stepping up to bat) Watch this one, Slick!
  • (getting picked) Listen here, Slick, you made the right decision!

Vicki Kawaguchi[edit]

  • I'm going to be a ballerina when I grow up.
  • My name is Vicki Kawaguchi. My brother's name is Kenny. He's in a wheelchair. Can I go now?
  • One time, I was practicing my pirouette and I got so dizzy, I barfed. But don't tell anyone, okay? But it was really gross and stuff, because I just ate a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Promise you won't tell?
  • (getting picked) Hooray!
  • (stepping up to bat) Don't throw the ball fast, okay?
  • (stepping up to bat) Here comes the graceful ballerina to the plate.
  • (after getting struck out) Stupid baseball is for babies!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired of pitching. Can I stop now?
  • (getting tired) I don't wanna pitch anymore, please?
  • My mommy says I'm her little butterfly and daddy calls me his baseball swan. Kenny calls me pipsqueak.

External links[edit]

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You ever see Aaron Judge smash a home run and say to yourself, “Wow, that swing just reminds me of Keisha Phillips!” Well, you’re in luck. Here are my top 10 Backyard Baseball players along with their carbon copies currently playing in the MLB. Each Backyard Sports character’s attributes will be listed at the bottom of the article.

10. Vicki Kawaguchi – Billy Hamilton

Vicki Kawaguchi is often overshadowed by her wheelchair-bound brother Kenny. But Vicki has two things that Kenny doesn’t have: fielding and functional legs. Her combination of speed and defensive prowess in the outfield matches speedster Billy Hamilton. You can also kinda see a similarity in the face–okay, maybe not.

9. Stephanie Morgan – Francisco Lindor

Stephanie “Bubbles” Morgan looks the part. She never takes off her baseball cap and mitt–even wearing it while playing other sports like soccer and football. Her all-around skills give off vibes of Cleveland Indians star Francisco Lindor. Morgan claims that her father played in the minor leagues and thus inspired her passion for the game. Similarly, Lindor’s father worked day after day with his son serving up grounders and batting practice.

8. Sally Dobbs – Charlie Blackmon

I know what you’re thinking, “No one ever liked Sally Dobbs! She wasn’t even that good!” That’s kinda the point. Why aren’t more people talking about Charlie Blackmon? And why aren’t more people drafting Sally Dobbs? Both Charlie and Sally house all-around games and puzzling hair styles.

7. Mikey Thomas – Nolan Arenado

Mikey “Nugget” Thomas’ eyes might be one millimeter apart, but his power cannot be overlooked. Thomas and Pablo Sanchez are the only Backyard characters on this list with a perfect 10 batting rating. Arenado’s power is just as apparent, but his defensive prowess on the corner is also surprisingly comparable to Thomas.

6. Kenny Kawaguchi – Marcus Stroman

If you drafted Kenny Kawaguchi and didn’t immediately dub him as your all-time pitcher, then I would question your judgment. Kenny’s arms are gigantic due to constantly lugging around that wheelchair, and his stuff on the mound was filthy. Enter Blue Jay Marcus Stroman. While Stroman doesn’t roll around in a wheelchair, Stroman has an elite presence on the mound, and Stroman’s dad definitely has Kawaguchi’s arms. These two flamethrowers even share a similar smirk in their photos.

5. Angela Delvecchio – Madison Bumgarner

Backyard baseball luanne lui lyrics

Often overshadowed by her slick-haired brother Tony, Angela Delvecchio boasts what Tony has very little of–talent. Delvecchio is actually the best pitcher in the game, and boy does she come up clutch just like San Francisco’s own Madison Bumgarner. Along with their dominance on the mound, both Delvecchio (8 in batting) and Bumgarner (16 career homeruns) are surprisingly good batters.

4. Luanne Lui – Clayton Kershaw/Byron Buxton

Try to compare Luanne Lui to just one player. It is impossible. Luanne is the youngest player in the Backyard league, but her combination of speed on the base paths and deadly fireballs from the mound are unparalleled. Kershaw is the most dominant pitcher in the league right now, and Buxton might be the second fastest behind Billy Hamilton. I can only assume that both Kershaw and Buxton could still compete in the MLB while holding on to Luanne’s iconic pink teddy bear.

3. Pete Wheeler – Dee Gordon

Pete Wheeler may go down as the fastest video game character of all-time. Don’t let his ginger comb over fool you, Pete can straight up fly on the base paths and has possibly the greatest range of any outfielder in Backyard history. Put Wheeler in center field, and you won’t even need any other outfielders. Dee Gordon can just about match Wheeler’s speed on the bases, but their abilities to hit for a high average is really what links these two. In April of 2016, Gordon was banned 80 games for a performance-enhancing drug violation. The Backyard Baseball league is still waiting to hear back on Pete’s urine sample.

2. Keisha Phillips – Giancarlo Stanton

Give either of these players a chance at the plate with the coveted “Aluminum Power” power-up, and you can kiss that baseball goodbye. Phillips’ sheer brute force at the plate is just unfair. The same can be said about Stanton. He currently leads the MLB in home runs with 37 holding off New York Yankees rookie Aaron Judge. One thing that Phillips has that Stanton lacks? Surprising speed on the bases. Keisha is a 9 in running while Stanton only has 1 stolen base on the year. Don’t let the love handles fool ya, before you know it, Phillips will have stolen second base.

1. Pablo Sanchez – Mike Trout

You should have seen this coming. Pablo Sanchez will not only go down as the best Backyard Baseball character of all-time, he will go down as the greatest ATHLETE of all-time. Pablo may be the most overpowered video game character this world has ever seen, and if you didn’t select him with the first pick, I would question why you are even playing this game. Mike Trout is the MLB equivalent of a cheat code. Trout continues to amaze year after year with an outrageous WAR and just consistent production. This year marked the first time Trout has spent on the DL, and in his return, he has done nothing but continue to turn heads and give his struggling team a chance. Unfortunately for Trout, he doesn’t also dominate on the mound like Pablo ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Movie

1 Pablo Sanchez – Secret Weapon:
August 18 Right/Right
Batting: 10
Running: 9
Pitching: 5
Fielding: 10

2 Keisha Phillips – Flash
April 2 Right/Right
Batting: 9
Running: 9
Pitching: 4
Fielding: 6

3 Pete Wheeler – Wheelie
October 13 Left/Left
Batting: 8
Running: 10
Pitching: 2
Fielding: 7

4 Luanne Lui – Lulu
January 27 Right/Right
Batting: 6
Running: 10
Pitching: 9
Fielding: 4

5 Angela Delvecchio – Sugar Pop
December 20 Right/Right
Batting: 8
Running: 4
Pitching: 10
Fielding: 1

6 Kenny Kawaguchi – K-Man
November 20 Right/Right
Batting: 3
Running: 8
Pitching: 7
Fielding: 4

7 Mikey Thomas – Nugget
October 19 Left/Left
Batting: 10
Running: 4
Pitching: 4
Fielding: 7

Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Photos

8 Sally Dobbs – The Boss
November 11 Right/Right
Batting: 7
Running: 7
Pitching: 7
Fielding: 7

Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui 2017

9 Stephanie Morgan – Bubbles
August 15 Right/Right
Batting: 8
Running: 7
Pitching: 5
Fielding: 8

Backyard Baseball Luanne Lui Pictures

10 Vicki Kawaguchi – Swan
November 5 Right/Right
Batting: 1
Running: 9
Pitching: 5
Fielding: 10